Remember this before you learn anything

Noah Lloyd
3 min readMar 6, 2022


You’re working hard, but without a concrete goal to base your work around. You’re feeling like you’re getting nowhere.

Is this you?

If it is, you need to focus on your goals.

Goals allow you to dig deeper into what you should be doing. They show you the direction to go — and how you can get there.

Now, goals are important but they’re not everything.

you do not rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems.” — James Clear

But this quote can be misinterpreted. Systems are better than goals? You may even use it as an excuse to skip your goal setting. That would be foolish. What’s the point of working on your system if your goal is missing? You’ll be optimizing the wrong process instead of working on what actually matters.

Systems are important, but if you don’t set goals, you’re skipping a massive opportunity for growth. You need both. Define your goals.

How to set your goals

My favorite format for goal setting is

  • Life vision — What is it you want to achieve? Use this as a foundation for all your other goals
  • Yearly — Those large-scale projects or challenges to create your vision
  • Monthly — The small steps to accomplish your yearly goals
  • Weekly — The small steps to accomplish your monthly goals
  • Daily — Daily habits & the small steps to accomplish your weekly goals

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals

Make your goal as specific as possible to know exactly what you will do to achieve it. Instead of saying “Be more healthy”, say “Don’t buy snacks at the supermarket”.

Set goals where progress can be measured. Instead of “Read more books”, say “Read 10 pages every day”.

Don’t set impossible goals for yourself. You’ll just lose trust in your ability.

Complete the goals that give the most value for your effort. Use the 80/20 rule, and ask yourself “What are the 20% of my goals that give 80% of the value?” and focus on those.

Include a specific date for what time your goal should be accomplished. It makes your goal more measurable and specific.

Make your goals now!

I’ve made a template in notion for you to easily create, manage and view your goals.

I use this page myself. It helps me define my goals and gives me a great overview of exactly what I should be doing.

Reevaluate your goals regularly

Life happens and your main priorities change. Life is dynamic, and so should your goals be. Make it a weekly task to revisit your goals and change those that do not match with your current worldview or just don’t fit in anymore.

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Noah Lloyd
Noah Lloyd

Written by Noah Lloyd

I write about productivity, education and life

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